Block and Headers

The engine is built to Best Engineering’s specifications, starting from specific blocks, and finally built up to full Group A specifications.

Turbo and Intercooler

The turbo original model is adopted. The intercooler is specific to Group A and benefits from a water injection cooling system. The turbo restrictor can be either 38mm, as was original in 1993-94, or 34mm.

Electronic management and Boostpack

An ECU specifically developed by Best is used, the mapping of which takes place first on the dynometer and then with refinement on the road in the presence of a senior engineer. The control unit is housed, as with the original, inside a dedicated aluminum box, with the connection plugs.

Fuel System

The original layout is maintained, as is the “Premier” safety tank which, however, does incorporate an important evolution in the fuel pump and filter system. The system is built according to FIA regulations where any connection must remain outside the passenger compartment.

Exhaust system

The exhaust system is made of 304 and 310 stainless steel and It is covered with a high resistance white ceramic coating which allows the exhaust to keep operating temperatures down and improve heat dispersion.

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